"When the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planet, and love will steer the stars." If you know the next line, you're officially old.

I found those lyrics running around in my head this evening. I probably haven't heard the song for 30 years--could it be 40 years? I can picture the house I was living in, the rooms in the house where I listened to it, the friends who listened, sang and danced along with me. Music carves itself not only into our mind but also into our emotional memory. When The Age of Aquarius was in its zenith, I was young, daring, happy, hopeful and quite naive. What was that time like for you?

It wasn't the opening line noted above that came to me first, however. The line that broke through into my consciousness as I was doing other things, was "harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding..." It sounds more necessary to me today than it did then. In fact, it sounds very much like the Gospel - it sounds like the very reason Christ came to us and what He hoped for us, what Christ tried to teach to us... and what His Spirit is about still - harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding.

If pushed, I'd say these thoughts came in response to the sense of expectancy which comes over me each year at this time. My conviction being that if it's Christ who we seek, it's Christ who comes as God's gift to us again and anew. Our awareness of this gift waxes and wanes of course. But at this time in my own seeking, these are the particular gifts and manifestations of God's Presence I need most. Harmony, to overcome the dissonance I feel. Understanding, to come to terms with what is. Sympathy, to minister and comfort the woundedness within and all around. And Trust abounding, total trust in God's nearness and goodness. The sense of expectancy is almost palpable. Perhaps because my need is great, God's nearness is undeniable. What will come is yet unknown.

As we pass from the season of gifts given and received to the season of making promises for the year that stretches before us, what is it you most desire from God's gracious hand of mercy? What qualities, virtues strengths do you need for God's Spirit to mend to your heart as we come to the dawning of 2011?

Harmony & understanding, sympathy and trust abounding... are my desires. May the God you seek grant you everything you need to be your best self in the New Year. BLESSINGS AND JOY, THE CELTIC MONK


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