What a wondrous gift, on that still night,
So long ago and far out of sight
Did come to a couple, so young and so poor
a little boy child -- who’d be called the Savior.

They made their way to the shelter provided
Set themselves up, in the stable that sided
The food and the stalls where animals rest
As yet unknowing, their boy child was blest.

Was it the star, that awoke Mary’s heart
To the holy night, of which she’s a part
Of the unfolding story of God’s infinite love;
Did she recognize His coo-ing as a voice from above?

Or maybe it was Joseph, when the first shepherds came
Who knew that from thence, everything would change;
For the baby still whaling his loud borning cry;
Was the baby Who willingly came forth to die.

A legion of angels surrounded that stable;
Guarded this family as best they were able.
Though not even angels could understand
What was to unfold as God, became man.

Did the earth tremble? Was there a quake?
When God came that night, born for our sake?
In the spirits of humankind, blinded by sin,
Was there something that stirred – as Christ entered in?

Was there a cosmic ‘aha’? A universal awareness?
That God sent His Son to stop all the madness--
Of a world gone astray from His perfect design
Did we know the in-breaking of the Holy Divine?

It’s not very likely; not in stable or steeple,
That anyone knew Christ was born for all people;
Still we know there was pondering in Mary’s heart
And treasures she saved up, right from the start.

I tell you this story on this Holy Night,
So we might remember, when we see a star bright,
That love came to me, to you and to each
And they called his Name Wonderful, the Prince of Peace.

Though just a baby, Jesus came with a plan—
Entering the heart of each woman and man,
Freeing us from pride, from pain, sin and strife
Then leading us to the abundance of life.

So on this still evening let’s you and I recall
How the God-man, the boy-child, born in a stall,
Laid aside His glory, His power, His honor,
So that we might see in Him, the face of His Father.

May our voices now rise, our thanks-givings ring,
For we know the truth of the Baby, who was King.
And let us rejoice; bring glad tidings each one
For the Child who came to us, is uniquely God’s Son!


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