The lesson of this mornings sermon was how to reflect the LIGHT that God sent into the world, rather than being part of the quarelling darkness for which Paul chastizes the church in Corinth. It was a call to a way of life instructed not by human understanding -- but by the deeper things of God which can be ours when we seek them.

Living in the LIGHT demands more of us than being a clanging cymbal; yet we all have the potential to live as brightly shining lamps. It does however take intention on our part. We must choose to reflect our higher calling. We must desire to be God's witnesses in season and out. We must make time to devote to 'gazing on God, and having God gaze on us.' Being LIGHT is what we offer God as our grateful response for all God has done for us. It doesn't happen by accident or mindlessly, but only with our will submitted to Christ.

Being a clanging cymbal is much easier. To be a clanging cymbal all we have to do is engage our mouth with any thought that comes into our heads. All we have to do is blame others for our mistakes and misfortunes. Being a clanging cymbal can attract a lot more attention than being LIGHT... and we can bring a lot of people with us as we clang our way into bitterness and beyond.

What might it take I wonder in your life and mine to stop us from holding down the percussion section of life? What might it take for us to be perfectly at home in the silence of a holy glow?

In John's Gospel, the apostle tells us that the time is now for the spiritually dead to hear the voice of the Son of God and live. My guess is that Christ's voice can be heard more easily by those seeking the LIGHT, than by those in the band. The choice is really ours to join with Souza or Saints. BLESSINGS AND JOY, THE CELTIC MONK


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