As I tiptoe through Mark's Gospel, I continue to be aware of his reality based description of the disciples. Mark sugar coats nothing about this gangly bunch who at one moment appear to understand profound truths and in the next display the insight of a toad. Time and again Jesus shows them the mysteries of a life of faith and they fail to understand. So time and again Jesus gathers them around and once more teaches them all that human eyes and understanding cannot comprehend.

I've to come to believe it's not in the grasping of holy truth, it's not in our perfect understanding much less perfect execution of holiness that God looks for in a disciple. [consider Peter] Rather, God looks for the mystical center of a disciple: a heart that is willing to break over the things that break God's heart; men and women who daily waste time with Him and have the conviction to act on what they find in those encounters. The mystical center of a disciple is seeded and established by the grace of God -- grace that is freely offered to all -- but it is the disciple who accepts the gifts given and whose life is changed forever.

I wonder how many beyond Jesus' closest twelve, were given the very same invitation to follow, the very same call, the very same grace to have their eyes opened by Jesus...yet didn't respond. Scripture is silent on this, but I imagine there were many. Maybe they're included in the 'crowds' that followed Jesus up and down the area called Galilee. Maybe they were waiting for one more miracle, one more healing, one more something before choosing. Perhaps they continued to be drawn to follow, continued to feel the power in Christ's teaching, but simply refused to submit, to bow their hearts which is the mystical center of a disciple.

The demands and clamour that surround your life and mine make it difficult, but not impossible, for us to offer our heart as a place of sweet communion with God each day. Yet God is patient. And just as Jesus waited for those who would respond to His call, God waits for us to come to the very center of ourselves where He longs to meet us and fill us with His love. The mystical center of the disciple is realized when we consent to meet God within us. May you travel there today. BLESSINGS AND JOY, THE CELTIC MONK


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