My spiritual journey along with taking me inward to a deep interior life -- occasionally takes me outward in search of new ways, new experiences, new things. This week my quest for God brought me to St. John's Abbey in Collegeville Minnesota...to spend a week practicing the art of group spiritual direction with friends from the Shalem Institute. Our time together since Thursday has been rich indeed. Full days of being both intentional and gentle with one another as we intend together to open space for God to speak into our lives and our spirits. It is as fully as I've ever experienced a prayerfully orchestrated kairos moment where waiting on God takes precedence over all else. It's an exercise in trust and freedom... where a core experience and gift we offer one another is a total lack of judgment. There are no fixing conversations...no oughts, shoulds, or subtle spiritual one-ups-man-ship conversations. It's an intentional time of grace. Outside the ten foot by ...