I often make a little detour on my way home that takes me through the protected wetlands that surround the airport. On any given day its like going to the zoo. There are anhinga's drying their wings, wild pigs and turkey, deer,egrets, giant blue heron and in season several sand hill cranes. At dusk one day this past spring a panther crossed the small access road right in front of my car!

Also depending on the season I watch the water level of the wetlands rise and fall. Since it's our rainy season, the once parched fields look like perfect lakes that stretch on and on. All manner of animal and foul make their way around the fertile shore looking for a meal.

No matter the stress of my day one loop through the wetlands has almost an anesthetizing affect on my soul. I'm so please to catch a glimpse of one of God's 'wild things.' I feel so privileged to have this opportunity to observe these creatures in their natural habitat just being what they were meant to be and doing what they were created to do.

It occurred to me today that what I love so much about seeing this menagerie in the wetlands is that it represents for me a vision of heaven. A place where not only birds and animals are at home in their natural habitat -- but where people shall be what they are meant to be and can do what they've been created to do. (some for the very first time) It reminds me that there is a natural habitat for you and me where the order of every day will be to glorify God just by our being.

While it's my hope and prayer for all people to experience some of that awareness, peace and contentment in this life--a little bit of heaven--I know not everyone will. Our imperfect world can be a cruel place. Though we ought never stop working to make our planet hospitable to all people...the reality is that suffering will occur-we will be inhospitable to one another, intolerant, abusive. And so I take some small solace in knowing that I'm doing what I can to be part of God's peace here and now even as I continue to envision the new heaven and new earth the prophet Isaiah wrote about.

What a gift to be able to think thoughts of an unseen heavenly home as the last rays of the sun sets on the anhinga's outstretched wings. God is good. All the time.


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