Yesterday we joined the throngs to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. If you've read the book there are no surprises...just waiting for the last movie. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

In this sequel we learn how the villian planned to assure his own immortality. He beleived that if you killed someone, a part of your soul own broke off, and hiding it gave you access to eternity. There are seven pieces of Voldemort's soul for Harry and friends to find. It's the wisdom figure "Dumbledore" who sees through the flawed logic. [I can't tell you how it would ruin the last movie.] For now, think with me about the reverse Christology of this diabolical belief of killing another for personal eternal reward.

In the Gospel we learn that it's in the One who died for us, that we find eternal life; that it's in an act of self-giving and not life taking by which eternity is won. And that it's in our daily acts of 'dying to self' that we partake of that One life. In the Gospel we come to know that it's belief in the One who lives forever that is our assurance of being with and partaking in God's eternal glory. Further we find it's in acts of light... not hiding in darkness, wherein eternity is glimpsed. How relieved and at peace we can be knowing the stuff eternity is made of is Light and life giving, rather than dark and life-taking.

These Gospel truths translate into our experiences everyday. Each day we can remember that we we're so fearfully and wonderfully made that God's Son gave Himself for us; we need not seek to harm anyone to get ahead. Each day we can build our own faith and the faith of those around us by choosing to participate in acts of goodness and live without fear. Each day we have the opportunity to let the yet unredeemed thoughts, actions and attitudes in us pass away--so that we continue to become a more refined Image of the Living God.

Though Harry Potter and friends have the final sequel to collect the seven pieces of the soul of "the one who ought not be named" we have each day to reach down into the very depths of our souls bringing forth loving-kindness, mercy, justice and righteousness to share with a world that seems hopelessly lost in its darkness. I'm glad I know that the real stuff of eternity is holy & light. And oh yes, I think Dumbledore knows it too. Blessings and joy, The Celtic Monk.


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