An Invitation

AN INVITATION    7:30 a.m and 7:30 p.m. 

What was the last thing you were invited to attend?  I don't mean the herd invitation... everyone is invited. I mean the personal invitation as in I'd be so happy if you would join me, or come with me, or come and see...

Most of us are invited often to be part of a crowd.  Come to the spaghetti supper!  Come to the Farmer's Market!  Come to the Strawberry Festival, the Film Festival, the ... well you can just fill in the blank.

I am writing to invite you to a very small gathering.  I am writing to invite you to an event where you and I will be the only visible participants.  I am writing to invite you to meet me (every morning at 7:30 a.m. EDST and every evening at 7:30 p.m. EDST) for a journey into your relationship with God which, as it turns out, ends up being a journey not only towards God, but towards yourself and into every relationship in your life.

I am calling this time a retreat... because the content when added up would make a wonderful week long retreat in a lovely setting.  But we all can't just gather ourselves to get away, can we.  Yet, it's likely that our soul would benefit from some focus.  It's likely that we could use some encouragement to become or stay faithful in our spiritual practice or discipline.  What better way than to be able to participate anywhere we can connect to the Internet where we will move through this time leading to Holy Week and the joy of Easter slowly, reverently and together. 

How many good intentions I've had for keeping a spiritual practice for a reminder that Jesus' way had now turned and He was on His way to Jerusalem...only to let it fall away.   So beginning February 14th, Ash Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. I will be LIVE on the Peace River Spirituality Center Facebook page.  I will be there each Monday through Friday morning and night all the way to Good Friday, March 30th.  We will meet in the morning 7:30 a.m. for a very short bit of inspiration and 20 minutes of silent meditation.  We will gather back in the evening for Compline, evening prayer,  7:30 p.m. which will include an additional 15 minutes of silence.  Twice a day.  30 minutes each.  Monday-Friday.

There is a Retreat booklet available to download at:    It has an overview of where our journey will take us. It includes everything you shall need to participate.  You can download and print it for easiest use.

So join me, won't you?  There is no pressure.  No papers.  No attendance record.  No grade at the end. Just an accomplishment towards your own spiritual deepening--and time spent letting God get a word in edgewise in my life and yours. 

To participate LIVE... you can go to the Peace River Spirituality Center page on Facebook and "Like" it.  The twice daily videos should automatically begin to be fed to your Facebook page.  You can view the modules (48 hours later) on the Pine Shores Presbyterian Church's web page, where they will be archived.

I know.  This is not a usual invitation. Nor is this a usual retreat.  But it holds the possibility of being a wonderful deepening adventure for you and me.  What to you say?  Wanna come?

In peace and with joy,




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