All the kings horses and all the kings men...

It surprises me when in times of reflection on grown-up issues or problems, childhood nursery rhymes seem to hold the wisdom of the universe. Take Humpty-Dumpty for example. No one put him up on that wall from which he fell,he got up there all by himself. And likewise no one pushed him; yet it seems that the fact of his being up there led to his demise. Then once the deed was done--well you know the rest not horses nor men could restore him.
As I watched the Komen for the Cure and Planned Parenthood debacle unfold this week I though about old Humpty. Komen is small potatoes in the not-for-profit world. I have to say that I didn't even know they were in the business of giving the money they raised to anyone other than for breast cancer research. But it seems along the line they decided to climb up with the big guys (in this case Planned Parenthood)and rub shoulders with the rich and powerful. But when they tried to slip away with a mere 700/k--small potatoes to PP--they were slammed to the ground.
The story, made more sensational by our representatives in Washington who weighed in with letters and press conferences, bumped-up giving to PP this week, by more than the amount Komen sought to withhold. And Komen, having slid from their privileged view up there... began to feel their supportive wall wavering beneath them. Help, I'm falling!
Pressured by media and folks within and without, Komen caved. But it's too late you know. The damage was already done. The liberal media made it look like Komen was the giant and PP was David. We all know that isn't true. But still PP garnered a lot of sympathy points and sympathy $$$. Komen at the very least got a black eye, but more likely "all the kings horses and all the kings men," won't be able to put Komen back together again.
It comes as no surprise to those who know me, that I'm Pro-Life, not pro-choice... it's always been that way. I've never intentionally given to PP and never will. [I have no control over the tax dollars my governemnt gives them.] But I have supported Komen for the Cure through friends who walk and race for a cure. What no one seemed to pay any attention to in this (including Komen) is the many people like me who have supported them who will no longer do so because of their funding of PP.
I care about women and women's health. I care that a cure is found for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and the other diseases that take the life of women. The pink ribbons make me smile. This year, I'll support the American Cancer Society instead when someone asks me to sponsor their walk or run.
We had a discussion about this stuff at my house this week. Maybe it was then that I realized I don't share often enough about moral issues even those I see as spiritual issues. I'm sad that Komen for the Cure got whipped this week by PP and that no one seemed to understand that Komen was the David to PP's Goliath. But I'm even more sad to learn that Komen tried to sit on the top of the wall with PP, funding the organization which performs the most abortions in the US calling it women's health.
So this is the epitaph I leave for Komen. But it is really a wisdom word for us all who in unreflective moments convince ourselves that something good can come from dark alliances, or that God can be mocked. "Do not become wise in your own eyes, fear God and turn away from evil." Because all the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put Humpty(or Komen)back together again."
Wow, powerful and candid piece. Thank you for your transparency Kathleen.
ReplyDeleteWow, powerful and candid piece. Thank you for your transparency Kathleen.