2011 was jam packed with many opportunities to use my gifts, talents and abilities in ministry. I was priveleged to continue ten months of the year at First Naples preaching and teaching with amazing colleagues in ministry. My opportunities to enter into spiritual direction relationships continued to grow. In June I returned to St. John's Abbey, and then was blessed with a trip to Ireland for some personal retreat and the World Community of Christian Meditation annual conference.

The last quarter of the year brought the opportunity for a change of venue for parish ministry closer to home. The chance to preach each week has been a blessing combined with my continued priority for spiritual direction. I've had to cut back on the weekly 100 mile trip for the meditation group which has been an important part of Peace River Spirituality Center since 2009.

These changes have given me pause to evaluate not only my gifts but also what makes my heart sing. I've taken the time to think about just what it looks like to follow my bliss. Something I have to learn over and over again is that I can't do everything.

As we move into a new year let me encourage you to wonder: what it is that makes your heart sing? Among the many things you're now doing, or have an opportunity to pursue, what most excites and enlivens your spirit? Are you making the necessary daily choices to follow your dream? If not, what is stopping or side-tracking you? I've found that some of the things I allow to eat away at my time are things that I do to please others. I'm letting some of those things go.

At the core of my being is a priority to always be both a student and a teacher. It's being in what I know as a Paul/Timothy relationship: always learning from someone ahead of me and always teaching someone else. In 2012 I'm adding more quality learning time to my life. It will make me a better teacher in the long run. It makes my heart sing!

At the core of your being... what's important to you? How do you prioritize your committments to see that what's important has enough room to be sustained and grow? What weeds might be choking out your best self? Can you pull those weeds yourself or do you need help? Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Might 2012 be the year?

I've chosen the final Atlantis missle launch for the image to go along with this post. It was hard to choose from among the thousand images I either shot or saved this year, but the Atlantis seems perfect for three reasons. One is that the amazing US space program that began when I was a child, could only have achieved the success it did because someone had a dream. The second reason is that just as it is for all dreams to come true, the space program exemplified a combination of will, knowledge, opportunity and discipline to see it through. Lastly, our dreams can take us on the ride of a lifetime!

I hope you're inspired to pursue a dream
that makes your heart sing in 2012.


  1. well written and though provoking as I enter a time of reflection at the end of the year. The Atlantis missile launch is perfect! May your heart sing in 2012 too.


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