Climate Change of a Different Sort

"Our faith ought to be capable of filling our hearts with a wonder and a wisdom which see beyond the surface of things and events, and grasp something of the inner and “sacred” meaning of the cosmos which, in all its movements and all its aspects, sings the praises of its Creator and Redeemer." Thomas Merton

As I've made my twice weekly trip, first north 100 miles to Bradenton and then south 150 miles to Naples, I've watched with great interest the outside temperature gauge on my dashboard instrument panel. For instance, this past week when I left home at 5:45 Sunday morning it was a chilly 50 degrees. As I crossed the Peace River, I lost three degrees. As I reached the Sarasota County line, I lost three more degrees, even though by then the sun was up and the fog was burning off.

When living in Indiana, Sam and I would often comment on the climate line that seemed to run right through the city of Terra Haute. That was where the weather changed from what we were coming from in Chicago... to what we could expect another hour or so south in Washington.

I'm not a meteorologist, but I imagine there are more accurate ways to measure and/or predict those invisible lines that exist from one climate area to another, other than my car instruments and our musings as we drive. For example on the Big Island of Hawaii, they are very willing to boast about their dozen micro climates... distinctly different patterns of weather all contained on one island.

My life right now feels as though its being led from one climate to another very much like those invisible micro climates that came to mind this week. It's as if I'm driving away from people, places and things I've long depended upon - individuals and communities that helped me to define who I am. And with them in my rearview mirror, I'm driving into a new climate; one, however, I don't know anything about.

The questions I'm asking myself go something like this... Will it be warmer or cooler? Will it be sunny or overcast? What will grow in this new environment? Am I prepared...and do I have everything I need? Will it look and feel like home? Will I recognize it when I get there?

My certainties are few. I'm confident that there is One who prepared the way before I had any idea I was going anywhere. I believe that my awareness of this movement from one micro climate to another is part of the experience. I know that the journey is a process of losing to gain. I'll admit it's disconcerting to see the temperature continue to drop. Yet there are grace-filled moments of certainty that a path has been cleared for my good; for a future and a hope. [Jeremiah 29]

And so in the this season of Advent, a season of journeying, waiting and preparing, I do all of these things in earnest. They are not just pious metaphors but have become personal convictions to lead me beyond where I can see.

Are there micro climates that you are traveling through this Advent season? Does this time hold for you some unknowns...or more of them than usual? Are trepid-ation and anticipation twin companions? Are you journeying this Advent into more that is unknown than predictable? Then my friend, we travel in good company with Mary, Joseph and little children everywhere. So along with them let's seek the "great joy" the angels proclaimed and rejoice in all that God is birthing in us. Blessings of Peace and Joy! THE CELTIC MONK


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