As I've proceeded along the path that is opening before me (which I trust is Holy Spirit led) I find myself doing things I never dreamed of doing or frankly never cared too much about. One of those is writing Articles of Incorporation to become recognized as a ministry organization in the state of Florida. The Articles include: * A Purpose Statement in less than 240 characters (including spaces) * A short description of who you are, what you intend to do and who you're intending to do it with * A Dissolution Statement that explains where all your worldly goods will go when the organization as an entity ceases to exist * and a $87.50 filing fee. The more I thought about the Articles of Incoporation for Peace River Spirituality Center, Inc. the more they reminded me of The Rule of St. Benedict or really any Rule of Life that someone has taken the time to write. What is a Rule other than a document explaining our understanding of our purpose...a plan for what we...