What's In a Name...

My husband is a pharmacist. He's practiced long enough that he can look at most pills and within a few seconds tell you what it is, the strengths its available in, what its used for and many known side effects. He also is diligent about his continuing education and has, over the years, picked up on the nuances of the 'name brand' vs 'generic' battles. He fills many of our personal prescriptions with generics. For only a very few drugs does he go the extra mile to fill with name brands. While making a presentation to a community group--he fielded questions about the differences between specific drugs. He knows which generics are manufactured in the same factory... only going into a different bottle at the end of the line - and which ones are perhaps made somewhere else and perhaps not as identical as they could be. It always amazes folks to hear about such things. Yet in daily practice, he finds that some folks will pay sometimes 100% more for a name brand, rath...