Sensing Christmas
For the first time in I can't remember how long I'm not running at break-neck speed towards Christmas. Monday was my only day in the office at the church this week. The bulletins for Christmas Eve and the Sunday after Christmas were mostly done before the 4th Sunday in Advent and needed only some final touches. No department nor grocery store will see me this week. All the packages are wrapped and tagged and waiting to take their place under the tree. I will be making some more cookies however. We've managed to nibble our way through the cookies we made the week after Thanksgiving. There are no cookies left to give away...and I always give away some of our favorites that are only baked at this time of the year. I'm aware of being able to 'sense' Christmas in a way that's impossible when holiday obligations have me in a strangle hold. There have been ordinary moments, doing just ordinary things that have seemed like a gift. This morning even the late arr...