
Showing posts from February, 2016


No matter where I live, I am a Chicagoan. It's sights and sounds (and sound-bytes) are in my head. This week I listened to Chris Fabry Live, a radio call-in program that addressed the topic of Lent: who practiced, who didn't, why some did, why others did not.  Callers lined up with their very nice sounding rationalizations for what they had already decided was true. I find most people who call in to talk shows don't do it to listen or learn, but to share their already made up minds ;-) It was an amusing use of my 'car time'. But it seems that the conversation has stuck with me.  So while putting my k-cup in my coffee machine this morning a metaphor came to mind regarding what I heard and it was simply this: "for the love of the game." For the love of the game, that's why we observe the season of Lent.  It's all about Love... and the game (sorry if it seems irreverent) is our relationship with/to God....


     It woke me this morning out of a sound sleep.We've been in the season of Lent for three days and I've still not decided how to observe these 40 days. Yes, I've made myself some promises of rearranging some things in my day to make more sense.  Things I probably have been putting off for too long.  But what might I do... proactively? Over the years I've had my share of "giving up"  chocolate, movies, soda, ice cream [for me a real hardship] facebook, whole day fasts once a week, and for several years fasting all of Holy Week. This last one ruins Easter dinner, because that is no way to come off of a fast. I'm already meditating in the morning before checking email WOW!  I'm already reading the Lenten devotionals from Laurence Freeman and James Martin.  But how to reach out.. how to touch? So this is what really woke me at 3:53 a.m.  I feel led to pray for my "friends" on facebook. It will come as no surprise tha...

An Opportunity to Consider Your Life: Past, Present, Future

        During my middler year in seminary, a classmate invited me to a workshop she'd decided to attend at Loyola University.  It was both a time and financial commitment for an unemployed student...but what I read about it was intriguing enough to go along.  Now, twenty-five years later, I have the opportunity to offer a similar invitation.  I'm going to "At a Journal Workshop"...  do you want to come too?        A couple of questions you might be asking yourself right now.  Do I really need a workshop to teach me how to journal?  I don't even want to journal!  Why would I spend the time?  What is it I can hope to gain?  Is it really worth it?  Is this really something I should consider doing?  These are just a few, you can add your own.        But, my invitation--based on my own experience--is sincere....