
Showing posts from January, 2016


As I came to the blog this morning, to check the date of an old story from last year I paused, a little amused, that since my post THE SOUND OF SHEER SILENCE in July--I haven't written.  And it occurred to me that that previous title was to be PROPHETIC... as there followed a six month silence.  Many of you already know that just weeks after that post I suffered a three part fracture of my left humerus.  And that there is nothing humorous about it.  Being left-handed only doubly disabled me. Until quite recently, I dare not even use a key board because as the song goes... "the wrist bones connected to the arm bone... the arm bones connected to the..."  You get the point.  The repetitive movement of key strokes caused intense shoulder pain. And so there has indeed been in many ways in my life, the sound of sheer silence.  My learnings, which still continue are many, varied and deep.  I quickly realized that I could not live my 110...