
Showing posts from January, 2013


         It was time. Actually, it was time months ago.  But I finally doned work gloves to weed and rake the Labyrinth.  I'd begun the task back in September. Really?  Yes, September.  Half a weeded Labyrinth was better than none.  I could simply walk over all those things that just won't stop growing!          How did it escape me that there would be "upkeep?"  Did I really think those truckloads of gravel would stop things from growing here in the tropics?  In a matter of weeks it seemed that a little moss formed where the palmettos shaded the path, then a little (okay a lot) of humidity turned the moss into soil and voila! things sprouted.  Without diligence on my part, it just kept on growing.         I find the same to be true in other areas of my life as well. There's a lot of upke...

The Examen - An Ignatian Practice

        As promised, here are some ideas for your practice of The Examen which can transform and deepen your spiritual life. I've done a lot of study about this spiritual discipline and have practiced it intermittently for the past few decades. The suggestions below are just that; options for how you might wish to practice the prayer.  May it bring you joy day-by-day in 2013 and beyond. Take a moment to remember you are beloved of God, just as you are.  There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God. Remember and give thanks for the gifts that God's love has bestowed upon you today; sunshine, friendship, an answered prayer, strength for a challenge, daily bread, etc. Ask God for a blessing that will make this prayer time more than a human endeavor; then watch for an insight that comes not from within you neither heart nor mind, but from above. Trusting in God's love, review the past 24 hour...