Hafiz is a 14th century Persian poet. The likes of Goethe and Ralph Waldo Emerson commented on his works. Goethe wrote that "Hafiz has no peers" which is high praise. Though I don't think any new writings of Hafiz have been discovered, his poems are often re-translated by folks with better linguistic ability or even just a better handle on his body of work. I find in his poems an uncanny sense of the Presence of the Divine. In his poem, An Enthusiasm To Express Discovery Hafiz wrote: "The greatest and most lasting art, the impetus of it, I feel, always comes from a wanting to help. A wanting to free, and an enthusiasm to express discovery... the artist...becomes aware of inner spheres and minlges with them, and then puts those experiences into what they most care about for the world to touch and see if the world wants. I know all my poems come from a wanting to give something useful." It's not often I sit down to ...