LAURENCE FREEMAN, OSB - DIRECTOR OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY FOR CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Have you ever met one of your heroes? I'm not talking about someone who saved your life, or won the game, but someone who you've admired from afar. Maybe it's an author or a public figure who you've grown to respect more than simply admire. Who are these people who loom large in your life? Laurence Freeman (above) has been a hero of mine for some time. Over the past three years, I've read everythng he's written on Christian meditation and have listened to CD's of talks he's given around the world. He was chosen as the spiritual guide for WCCM, after the death of its founder,Fr.John Main. While in Cork at the pre- conference retreat of WCCM, I had the opportunity to listen to six presentations by Laurence and the photo above was taken by a Canadian participant as I was talking to him following one of the sessions. Freeman's topic was living in times of crisis. Looking...