Hot Dogs, Cook-outs, Fireworks and Lasagne

With the Fourth of July right around the corner, my thoughts turn to this national holiday marked by hot dogs, cook outs, fireworks and lasagna. Lasagne? Well yes. Several times durng my childhood my family made their way to East St. Louis, Illinois, where we would spend the holiday weekend with friends, the Sperry's. Often, their daughter Denise (who was my age) and I would walk into town or make our way to the river's edge where we'd sit talking while throwing stones into the water. All the while back at the house chairs and tables would be hauled outside for the crowd who'd come for supper. There were bottles of pop in an avalanche of ice which filled a galvanized tub in the backyard. Snacks of chips-n-dip and watermelon abounded as we awaited the slow-cooked lasagne for which Mrs. Sperry(Willie)was famous. It seemed that every year more and more folks found their way to that backyard and the lasagne! After much laughter and too much food everyone chipped in to ge...