INTENTIONS, postponed

I was tidying up my blog today, attempting to tie up some loose ends, starting the New Year fresh. And this is the embarassing part... on December 30th of 2009 I began a blog called INTENTIONS which never got any farther than a title and date -- a year old draft about intentions. The irony of it all. An intended blog that never saw the light of day. An intention, postponed. Surely I don't remember now what I wanted to say a year ago. I don't know if I had a good intention for 2010 to share -- or whether it occured to me that something(else) I intended to do in 2009 never came to fruition. I suppose that's the thing about intentions... they're never about now. Their about an imagined future whether it's 5 minutes, 5 weeks, or 5 months in the future. I intend to... How do you fill in the blank? Do you have intentions for 2011? One of my dad's favorite quotes was: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It was right up there with: never put off until...